Saturday, October 31, 2020

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Monday, October 26, 2020

Margery Schaffer

Margery and me at the 2012 Paper Doll Convention in Dayton, OH.

We'll miss Marlendy. The last post on Marge8's Blog was posted by her grandson Korey.

Hello readers,

My name is Korey and I am Margery’s grandson (perhaps you’ve read about me!). I know that Margery hasn’t posted to this blog in over six years, but I do know it still gets traffic and comments from time to time. I wanted to let you all know that Margery passed away this week after a long battle with dementia and other various illnesses. She was 89 years young.

Paperdolls were my grandmother’s passion. From the time she was a little girl into her old age she had always been fascinated by the artwork and fashion that paper doll creation and collection provided. As you have witnessed through this blog, she had a massive collection. Sharing it with you all had been a source of pride and joy for her. She appreciated that her hobby could bring enjoyment to, not only herself, but to others all over the world as well. As such, I am going to leave this blog active (with comments disabled) in the hopes that many more people will discover her paper dolls and find as much enjoyment in them as she did. Thank you all for bringing a small sliver of happiness into Margery’s life.


Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Gene and Jean, by Fern Bisel Peat, 1941


From the October 1941 Children's Playmate