Sunday, August 27, 2017

Hippie Night

Lynne Hills and Sharry O'Hare in hippie finery. 
Many people were inspired to dress up -- perhaps made easier 
by personal memories of the era and memorable costumes once owned.

Betty Kappel

Grace Keene

Denise Bond

Julie Cruz-Jones and daughter Gina Lannen. 
It was their first convention and they jumped right into the fun!

Laura Cushing Kidney

Jim Howard

Ralph Hodgdon with Jeanette Craker and Jane Borg

Ron Fong, Carol Carey and Monduane Harris

David Wolfe and Sharry O'Hare

Convention Snapshots

David Wolfe took us back to the 60s in style!

The first of two Ralph Hodgdon workshops

Jane Borg and her sister Jeanette Craker

Ron Fong and Linda Hoerner. 
Linda designed our logo, centerpieces and name tags -- and came up with the idea of a name-tag decorating station so attendees could color and embellish their own name tags.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Convention 2017

So much to share! Here's a small sample, more to come.

Map your memories with Penny Arrowood

Mask-making with Monduane Harris

Special Exhibits (Anita Korsonsky's table)

Artists Gallery (Debra Van Dyke's table) 

Show and Share (from Marion Creamer's collection)


Freebie Table