Sunday, May 31, 2020

Northland Poster Collective

An evergreen message from the Northland Poster Collective, which closed in 2009. You can see more of their work here. I can't remember where I found this greeting card; probably an independent bookstore.

I particularly like this one, found on the word press blog I shared above.


  1. Hello. I just discovered you. I create paper dolls that are a companion project to my comic novel (not yet published). I have a website with sample chapters and with examples of my dolls of an Elizabethan-era Puss-in-Boots. Visit I was once a paper doll collector, now I am a creator. How do I join here?

  2. Hi, thanks for visiting my blog! There's no formal "join up" here, just bookmark the page and visit whenever you can. I moderate comments so there is a slight delay before comments appear on the page. If you're on Facebook, be sure to join Paper Doll World to let collectors know about your work.
