Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Three Friends, c. 1907
This photo was in the $1 bin at a flea market this summer. The lady in the middle has nailed the Fluffy Ruffles look, with plumed hat and puffed-shoulders on her mid-length walking jacket.
Planning your travel for the convention
Whether by broomstick, train or plane, here's what you need to know to plan your arrival and departure days (and thanks to Patricia Edwards for asking):
The Registration Get-Together party is Wed., August 17 from 7:00-9:00 pm. You'll receive a tote bag and your first souvenir--a collaboration by David Wolfe and Gregg Nystrom.
Sunday, August 21 from 9:00-11 am will be the Farewell Get-Together. There will be a program by Scott Jorgenson, "Collection Fashion in Cloth & Paper" and a souvenir by Kwei-Lin Lum.
The Registration Get-Together party is Wed., August 17 from 7:00-9:00 pm. You'll receive a tote bag and your first souvenir--a collaboration by David Wolfe and Gregg Nystrom.
Sunday, August 21 from 9:00-11 am will be the Farewell Get-Together. There will be a program by Scott Jorgenson, "Collection Fashion in Cloth & Paper" and a souvenir by Kwei-Lin Lum.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
2011 International Paper Doll Convention update
The deadline is fast approaching to take advantage of the $275 registration fee! After Dec. 1, the fee is $295.
Next year's convention will continue our time-honored tradition with many of the things attendees look forward to, including the Competition, Raffles, Workshops, Tours and, of course, Souvenirs. A tour of the QVC studios has already been planned, and there is much more to come. And of course there will be a Sales Room!
By the way, register before Dec. 1 and you not only get a price break, you'll receive a bonus souvenir when the Convention Packet is mailed out. Click on the forms below to save to your computer, print out, fill out and mail out to David as soon as possible so you don't miss out.
David Wolfe will again emcee the events and also act as host/manager. There will be a kick-off registration party as well as three evening banquet meals, and a bumper crop of souvenir paper dolls created by a roster of many, many leading artists who are favorites with collectors.
As always, there will be a raffle room filled with desirable donations. Also planned is a new Silent Auction for serious collectors. It will feature original artwork by published artists as well as a few very valuable vintage treasures.
The annual competition will take on a new aspect, "My Favorite Paper Doll," and awards will be based on a popularity poll of conventioneers. Creative participation for all will be encouraged with a "Coloring and Cut-Out Bee," a big get-together where attendees will chat with each other while coloring and cutting-out a very special selection of paper dolls by many artists. There will be a number of creative workshop experiences and lively presentations, too.
Who's standing behind David Wolfe's Liberty Belle? It may surprise you to know that she has many old friends:
Yes, there will be many rare, antique and vintage paper dolls to ogle and to purchase. We wouldn't have it any other way.
Next year's convention will continue our time-honored tradition with many of the things attendees look forward to, including the Competition, Raffles, Workshops, Tours and, of course, Souvenirs. A tour of the QVC studios has already been planned, and there is much more to come. And of course there will be a Sales Room!
By the way, register before Dec. 1 and you not only get a price break, you'll receive a bonus souvenir when the Convention Packet is mailed out. Click on the forms below to save to your computer, print out, fill out and mail out to David as soon as possible so you don't miss out.
David Wolfe will again emcee the events and also act as host/manager. There will be a kick-off registration party as well as three evening banquet meals, and a bumper crop of souvenir paper dolls created by a roster of many, many leading artists who are favorites with collectors.
As always, there will be a raffle room filled with desirable donations. Also planned is a new Silent Auction for serious collectors. It will feature original artwork by published artists as well as a few very valuable vintage treasures.
The annual competition will take on a new aspect, "My Favorite Paper Doll," and awards will be based on a popularity poll of conventioneers. Creative participation for all will be encouraged with a "Coloring and Cut-Out Bee," a big get-together where attendees will chat with each other while coloring and cutting-out a very special selection of paper dolls by many artists. There will be a number of creative workshop experiences and lively presentations, too.
Who's standing behind David Wolfe's Liberty Belle? It may surprise you to know that she has many old friends:
Yes, there will be many rare, antique and vintage paper dolls to ogle and to purchase. We wouldn't have it any other way.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Indian mask, c. 1940s
This is a serious illustration for a playful mask--could be the famous warrior Cochise. Guessing on the era. Might have been a promotional give-away from Dr. Pepper. The slogan under the logo is "Good for Life!" and a reminder to "Drink-a bite to eat At 10 to 2 and 4 o'clock." The little illustration shows a man in a top hat pointing the time for that first Dr. Pepper break.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
McLaughlin Advertising Paper Dolls
Bill McLaughlin is writing about his family's company of advertising paper dolls, and Jayne Keller tells me he's looking for a rare item that the company produced:
It's a black girl in the series where the figures (people, animals) have movement of some sort... eyes, arms, etc. He is willing to pay for the image or buy the item. It's a rare one, and has been difficult to find.Does that sound familiar to anyone out there?
If so, you can reach Mr. McLaughlin at wfmcl(at)embarqmail(dot)com
Saturday, October 23, 2010
The Toymaker
Marilyn Scott-Waters has posted a Halloween edition of her wonderful web site, The Toymaker. You can download patterns for all kinds of paper toys to make with some simple folds and a little bit of glue. Be sure to make a donation via PayPal. This site has made free paper toys available for a long time. Thank you, Marilyn!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Divine at Hurrah, c. 1979
I've had this for about 30 years. I'm guessing 1979, when disco was the rage...Love the cryptic message from Parviz. Wild times indeed.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
La MaMa Puppet Series
I always enjoy getting a new paper toy in the mail for free! This is a pamphlet that unfolded announces The Puppet Series at the famous Off-Broadway Theater, La MaMa with cut-outs of articulated dolls. Here are some views of the oversized poster:
Contact La MaMa for a brochure:
Contact La MaMa for a brochure:
Monday, October 18, 2010
Bloomberg Business Week Cut-out
Another cut-out from an unexpected source: Bloomberg Business Week, the Oct. 11-17 issue, illustrating an article about how Japanese automakers like Toyota and Nissan never lured "outdoor-loving" men who drive pickup trucks. My question is, why so many tabs on the briefcase and backpack? Always mildly annoying when the paper doll motif is used, but the clothing doesn't fit or the tabs make no sense.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Columbus Circle, N.Y.C., c. 1920s

The entrance to Central Park that I was most familiar with as a child, approached by walking up 60th Street from Amsterdam Houses on the far west side. The traffic circle has been modified a few times since this picture. It's still a busy intersection, but much easier to navigate for drivers and pedestrians, I think.
So glad I found some streetcars! I've enjoyed The Daily Postcard's Streetcar Sunday for a while and I'm happy to link to the fascinating post there today.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Golf Magazine cut-out
My husband just found this one, in a special issue of Golf Magazine, Feb. 2010, devoted to new equipment. Glad he hung on to it. I think it's funny that there's a "Mr. Style" column for a sport I still think of as dominated by men in plaid pants. And who would think to find cut-outs in a magazine aimed at men? The model is Ryan Moore, a PGA Tour player. Mr. Style says these hats were selected by Moore, and "If you're bored, cut them out to see how they look on Ryan's head." Hah!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Roundabout Dolls
Thanks to Kathleen Taylor for posting these beautiful dolls on her blog, Dakota Dreams. I have this particular set, but haven't had a chance to scan it in.
Life-like Doll Set, c. 1950
Simplex Toys. Very strange looking paper dolls, with embossed features for that "life-like" look! Always interesting to find playthings that are not necessarily "cute." Clothing is embossed, too. Each doll has a stiff plastic plate on the back in which to tuck the tabs. The dolls are thick, so the paper clothing would otherwise fall off easily. I'm guessing on the date.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Crowning the Axis, c. 1942

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
We're Rootin' for You Soldier, c. 1942
Second of three WW II cards I bought at a street fair last month. This time, Benito Mussolini joins Tojo and Hitler. Note the saucer- type helmet from the First World War, a clue that this card was also published early in the war effort. It's a pop-up type card, by the way: The die-cut flag unfurls when card is opened.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
H'ya Soldier! c. 1942
A boost to soldier morale during WWII. I'm guessing these cards were produced quickly in the early stages of the war, as the nation mobilized for action overseas. The setting is outside a theater, with the sign "Coming Soon," which could apply to the show and American involvement. Love the little fire hydrant. Inside, cartoon versions of the Axis powers get their comeuppance.
Friday, October 8, 2010
The Garden Patch, 1907

Raphael Tuck & Sons, 1907. Valentine Post Cards, Series No. 2. "The Garden Patch."
Thanks to Beth at The Best Hearts Are Crunchy for hosting this online gathering. Be sure to check her blog for some fantastic vintage postcards, and links to many more.
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