Friday, September 17, 2010

Hello! 1907 postcard

Let's see, what is the equivalent of this postcard today? Perhaps someone sending, via cellphone, a picture of herself writing an e-mail message?  I am fond of ads and images that show off the new technology of long ago, and I guess in 1907 telephones still had some cachet as status symbols, like the iPhone and iPad today.

Wonder about the artist signature, "M.M.A." (A quick Google search turned up Mixed Martial Arts! Not in this case.)

There's a whole lot more of vintage to see at Beth's site, The Best Hearts Are Crunchy.


  1. If you like postcards that show off new technology of the day, you might find this postcard interesting - Lady on Telephone Postcard. I find your posts interesting and plan on visiting every so often.

  2. Technology sure has changed the world since the phone was invited hasn't it? The phone made so many things possible...speaking with a loved one who was far away, getting errands done faster, calling for help...making the earth a global community.

  3. Hi Linda, your wonderful postcard reminded me of my mother, who always shouts in the telephone - afraid that you won't hear her. She also offers me for ages to throw some of her coffee through the line. A real Dutch treat. And I wondered, what does Mixed Martial Artists mean? Of mixed blood? See you next week, Bob

  4. It does seem like showing off a status symbol. :) I can't quite think of an equivalent for nowadays because we seem to expect instant responses now.

  5. What a fun card! Sure brings back memories ... crank telephones, party lines ... !!!!!

  6. She's definitely keeping it all under her hat, isn't she!
    Great card.

  7. You could use your phone's camera to photograph yourself and then email it to show how well and happy you are.

  8. I like Postcardy's idea - although my sons have sent me a couple pictures via cell phone that they took of themselves, and one I thought was a mug shot of a child molester! It wasn't his best picture.

  9. What a great postcard. We actually were on a party line when we were first married. At that time, the favorite pasttime of some of the ladies was to "listen in". You knew when it was your call by the number of rings. Carol

  10. Funny Snap should mention party lines. I grew up on the tail end of those. Just mentioned them to my mechanic too.

  11. A status symbol indeed! It's funny , in that case, to depict it on a postcard, which to some degree would have been the poor man's telephone. The phone certainly did change things, especially in recent years as it became affordable to call long distance. When I was young, long distance calls were not for leisurely chatting.

  12. Great find! It is seeing how "new" technology is represented especially from an historical view!

  13. Thanks for stopping by! Although I create my envelopes from old maps mostly, my sister does them with calendar pages, just like you do. She gave me and my wife one for our anniversary this past Tuesday, which I'll probably post since she made as a card as well!

  14. Linda, I've seen these old telephone postcards before but had never stopped to think about it from the new technology/status symbol perspective. I'm intrigued.

    A few mentioned party lines - I had almost forgotten that we were on a party line for a brief time when I was a kid, and I remember dad commenting about snoopy neighbors. This little card brought back a lot of good memories for all of us - thanks!
