Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Hoovies, Uncle Sam's Little Food Favors, 1918

"Cut-Outs for your table--They are to remind you that food will win the war"

Hoovies are not to be confused with Hoovervilles, but they marked the career of the same man: Herbert Hoover, the 31st president of the United States. His career is a reminder of the mercurial nature of political fortunes.

When this cutout ran in the Seattle Sunday Times on May 5, 1918, Hoover was head of the U.S. Food Administration, appointed by President Woodrow Wilson. These "Hoovies" kept an eye on public consumption of wheat, sugar and meat, which were restricted as part of the World War I effort. 

The Hoovies "know that while Americans one and all mean to save food, they sometimes get thoughtless and consume wheat and other things our soldiers need at a rate that endangers the fate of the nation."

Hoover's leadership in the Food Administration post extended beyond the war. He organized food shipments to millions starving in postwar Europe, including people in famine-stricken Russia. 

Hoover's legacy changed after he became president. His name is forever linked with his government's failure to respond adequately to the Great Depression. "Hoovervilles" was the sardonic name given to encampments across the country that were erected by jobless and homeless people. President Hoover felt that "caring for them must be primarily a local and voluntary responsibility."

Here are pictures of a Hooverville in Central Park, New York City. 


Thursday, June 20, 2024

Weatherbird Shoe cutouts, 1920

I love it when a new paper doll takes me down a research rabbit hole. 

Did you know the Weatherbird is the longest continuously running newspaper cartoon? It is the mascot of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch:

On February 11, 1901, the paper introduced a front-page feature called the "Weatherbird", a cartoon bird accompanying the daily weather forecast. "Weatherbird" is the oldest continuously published cartoon in the United States. Created by Harry B. Martin, who drew it through 1903, it has since been drawn by Oscar Chopin (1903–1910); S. Carlisle Martin (1910–1932); Amadee Wohlschlaeger (1932–1981); Albert Schweitzer, the first one to draw the Weatherbird in color (1981–1986); and Dan Martin (1986–present).[21]

That means the illustrator of this advertising cut-out is S. Carlisle Martin. It's copyrighted 1920 Peters Branch International Shoe Co.

Here's more from Wikipedia:

Weatherbird brand shoes for children, using pictures of the Weatherbird in advertising, were offered starting in 1901 by the St. Louis-based Peters Shoe Company, later part of International Shoe which continued to base the brand's image on the Weatherbird until 1932[13] (the brand itself continued at least through the 1950s).[14]

Two of the original windows from the Peters Shoe Company factory, featuring pictures of the Weatherbird, adorn the Weatherbird Cafe in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch office.

A life-size Weatherbird costume is used by the Post-Dispatch for promotions such as meet-and-greets at local bars.



Sunday, June 9, 2024

Puerto Rican cutouts, 1959


Today is the annual Puerto Rican Day Parade in New York City. 

It's a bittersweet celebration, considering the enormous problems the island faces. 

Both of my maternal and paternal grandparents and my mother were born in Puerto Rico; my dad was born in NYC. I still have cousins on the island.

Puerto Rico is one of the last colonies owned by the U.S. Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens, but do not have a vote in presidential elections. They have been drafted to fight in all the major U.S. wars since 1898.

This playset was produced by the Board of National Missions of the United Presbyterian Church in the US. It was published at a time when Puerto Ricans left the island in droves as the federal government decided to switch the economy from farm-based to factory-based. You couldn't make a living off the land anymore. And factory wages were poor. So, many came to the mainland.

The inside folder of this playset shows a factory amidst the palm trees and an open field.

Here is one of the booklets included in this playset.

About 3 million people live on the island today. 
The Taino people lived on the island when Columbus arrived. 

When Christopher Columbus arrived on the Bahamian Island of Guanahani (San Salvador) in 1492, he encountered the Taíno people, whom he described in letters as "naked as the day they were born." The Taíno had complex hierarchical religious, political, and social systems. Skilled farmers and navigators, they wrote music and poetry and created powerfully expressive objects. At the time of Columbus’s exploration, the Taíno were the most numerous indigenous people of the Caribbean and inhabited what are now Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. By 1550, the Taíno were close to extinction, many having succumbed to diseases brought by the Spaniards. Taíno influences survived, however, and today appear in the beliefs, religions, language, and music of Caribbean cultures.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Dimple Dolls, ca. 1920s

Published by Charles E. Graham and Company. The artist could be Margaret G. Hayes--the dolls resemble the characters in her postcard sets.