Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Jumbo the Elephant
Jumbomania is a nifty little 8-page fold-out booklet (about 4.5 x 6 inches when folded), with a history of Jumbo's star turn in the U.S., 1882-1885 (courtesy of P.T. Barnum, of course). Jumbo came to a sad end in an accident. (I'm beginning to think perhaps only Jenny Lind survived the Barnum hoopla, but I'd have to look up Tom Thumb's fate and many others to say for sure.) Beautifully illustrated with the "circus paper" that helped build the Jumbo legend: posters, tickets, trade cards, programs, lithographs, drawn from the archives of Ringling Bros. and other collections. I bought this at the NY Art Book Fair earlier this month. $10, a great stocking stuffer for the paper collector in your life (and no, I don't know the publisher, distributor or author of this little gem). Order from RAM Publications.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Paper Doll Convention Update: Registration Discount Deadline
Dec. 1 is right around the corner! Register today to make sure you get the special rate of $275--it will go up to $295 after Dec. 1. Snail mail today will work, but why not go to Paper Studio Press for easy online registration: click here to go there.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Anita Stewart, 1916
"Our Fourth 'Movie' Paper Doll," The Ladies' World magazine, Dec. 1916. It's interesting how everyone was still settling on whether it would be "movie" or "movy" in the early days of cinema.
This was published in tones of sepia, gray and white, perhaps to cut costs during the war. The doll is wearing the costume she wore in The Wood Violet (1912). Bottom right: The Girl Philippa (1916) and center, bottom The Combat (1916). The other outfits are from her personal wardrobe, including the opera cloak, top center; a gown she wore for a photo session (see color image below), top right; and a beach cover-up, bottom left. You can read more about Anita Stewart's career at The Silent Collection.
This was published in tones of sepia, gray and white, perhaps to cut costs during the war. The doll is wearing the costume she wore in The Wood Violet (1912). Bottom right: The Girl Philippa (1916) and center, bottom The Combat (1916). The other outfits are from her personal wardrobe, including the opera cloak, top center; a gown she wore for a photo session (see color image below), top right; and a beach cover-up, bottom left. You can read more about Anita Stewart's career at The Silent Collection.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Dover Publications Secret Sale
Well, not THAT secret. $20 off orders of $40 or more, if you use the coupon code. That's the best book deal I've heard of in a long while. The sale ends Nov. 30.
I love Dover's enormous selection of paper doll books, copyright free vintage graphics (like the one above), stickers, stationery and wrapping paper. And of course classics of world literature.
Here's a sample of what I ordered tonight:
I love Dover's enormous selection of paper doll books, copyright free vintage graphics (like the one above), stickers, stationery and wrapping paper. And of course classics of world literature.
Here's a sample of what I ordered tonight:
A beautiful alternative to traditional Christmas wrapping.
Here's Halle Berry in Bruce P. Jones' excellent Action Stars. Bruce is a regular at paper doll conventions, and his souvenirs are highly coveted.
Kwei-lin's paper dolls, now on postcards! Kwei-lin is also a regular at conventions, and it's always exciting to see her perspective on a familiar topic, whether fortune cookies, West Side Story or the Day of the Dead. Her work is prized among collectors.
The Glitter Snow Princess by Eileen Rudisil Miller, new to me. I think her work is absolutely lovely.
Darcy May's enchanting artwork, another artist I'd love to meet at convention.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Marguerite Clark, 1916
This is the third in the series of Movie Dolls published by The Ladies' World magazine, Nov. 1916. Thanks to Wikipedia, you can read all about her career here. And thanks to Paper Dolls of Famous Faces, Vol. I by Jean Woodcock, I can tell you which costume matches the movie role. I highly recommend Jean's book if you collect paper dolls of long ago celebrities of movie and stage, especially if you find the pieces of cut sets, like this one. Both volumes of Jean's book regularly appear for sale on eBay.
Clockwise from the doll: Silks and Satins (1916), two costumes from Through the Drifts (1916), The Prince and the Pauper (1915) and Little Lady Eileen (1916). Three hats are missing.
By the way, Billie Burke is the second in the series, and had one of the longest careers of her generation, immortalized of course as the Glinda the Good Witch in The Wizard of Oz movie. Definitely on my search list. Interestingly, Baby Marie Osborne is also featured in this paper doll series, Aug. 1917. Osborne died earlier this month, and the Times had a fascinating obit.
Clockwise from the doll: Silks and Satins (1916), two costumes from Through the Drifts (1916), The Prince and the Pauper (1915) and Little Lady Eileen (1916). Three hats are missing.
By the way, Billie Burke is the second in the series, and had one of the longest careers of her generation, immortalized of course as the Glinda the Good Witch in The Wizard of Oz movie. Definitely on my search list. Interestingly, Baby Marie Osborne is also featured in this paper doll series, Aug. 1917. Osborne died earlier this month, and the Times had a fascinating obit.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
General Post Office, N.Y.C., c. 1920s
This fine building will one day be the gateway to New York's Penn Station. The Farley Post office will be transformed to Moynihan Station, after the late New York senator who campaigned vigorously for it.
More than 45 years ago, the original Pennsylvania Station was demolished, a glorious structure whose destruction led to the historic preservation movement in New York City and helped save Grand Central Station. I have several postcards of the old Penn Station framed and hanging in my dining room. Forgotten NY has a good history. For more about Moynihan Station, check out the Municipal Art Society web site.
And speaking of post offices: Today would be a good day to mail in your registration for the 2011 International Paper Doll Convention. Registration goes up after Dec.1
Garth Lax's email blasts about the upcoming convention begin next month, but he's sending out a heads up, which I've copied below. To get on Garth's email list, contact him at garth_lax(at)yahoo(dot)com
More than 45 years ago, the original Pennsylvania Station was demolished, a glorious structure whose destruction led to the historic preservation movement in New York City and helped save Grand Central Station. I have several postcards of the old Penn Station framed and hanging in my dining room. Forgotten NY has a good history. For more about Moynihan Station, check out the Municipal Art Society web site.
And speaking of post offices: Today would be a good day to mail in your registration for the 2011 International Paper Doll Convention. Registration goes up after Dec.1
Garth Lax's email blasts about the upcoming convention begin next month, but he's sending out a heads up, which I've copied below. To get on Garth's email list, contact him at garth_lax(at)yahoo(dot)com
The formal Convention Email Series will begin in early December.
However, since the Convention pricing has an early Registration
price break, plus a premium for early Registrants, I thought that
I should get this information to you now.
The Convention will be held August 17 to 21 at the Embassy Suites
- Philadelphia Airport, 9000 Bartram Avenue, Phiadelphia, PA 19153.
The early Registration is $275.00 USD and that includes five days
of Paper Doll fun - - a Paper Doll total immersion - - with Workshops,
Competition, Sales Room, Souvenir Books (wait 'til you see them!),
Programs that you won't want to miss, a Reception Party, Tote Bag,
and 3 Banquet Meals.
That breaks out to $55.00 per day for what amounts to a Paper Doll
Theme Park! That beats Disney, Sea World, Universal, and all the rest,
and at this "Theme Park", you get some great meals as well !!
However, if you wait until December 2, the price will be $295.00.
So - - if you're planning on coming to Philadelphia, register now.
For those who Register by December 1, the premium that they'll
receive will be a special Paper Doll by David Wolfe - - only for those
who register early. (David does beautiful work; this special
paper doll will be a real treasure.)
There's a Registration Form at the end of this Email.
If you're a little cash-shy as we approach the Holidays, you can use a
major credit card, which should delay the actual payment until 2011.
But - - do it by December 1 to get the lower price and the souvenir !!
You also can register on-line, and use credit card or Pay Pal.
To register on-line, go to www.paperdollreview.com, and
click on the Convention 2011 category link.
Now, for the Hotel, the Special Convention Rate is $119/day.
The rate will be available to you for the Convention Days, plus
three days prior and three days following.
Your Embassy Suites unit will be a suite, with a spacious bedroom,
living room, bath, microwave. coffeemaker, and small refrigerator.
The Living Room sofa will convert to a bed, so the room can be shared
by four people, which would bring the individual price down to about
$35 per night. Plus, you get a cooked-to-order breakfast each morning
and the manager's reception (happy hour) late each afternoon!
That's a price that's hard to beat anywhere!
You should make your room reservation directly with Embassy Suites
- Philadelphia Airport at (215) 365-4500. Be sure to get the
Special Convention Rate.
I recommend that you make that reservation early.
Have a nice Thanksgiving here in the U.S.
You'll receive the first formal Convention email early next month.
- - Garth
August 17 - 21, 2011
Embassy Suites - Philadelphia Airport
9000 Bartram Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19153
CITY_______________________STATE_______ ZIP/PC__________
Registration: $275.00 USD (until December 1, 2010)
$295.00 USD (after December 1, 2010)
Absentee Registration: $155.00 USD
(Absentee Registrations are limited.)
Guest Registration (Meals, Reception Party) $150.00
GUEST NAME:__________________________________________
Make Checks payable to: 2011 Paper Doll Convention
____ Check/money order enclosed
____ Credit Card #____________________________Exp.Date______
(Visa, MasterCard, Discover, AmEx accepted)
(charge will appear on statement as "Paperdoll Review")
Mail to:
David Wolfe
P.O. Box 2279
New Preston, CT 06777
Sunday, November 21, 2010
McLaughlin Coffee paper doll c. 1890s.
This is another McLaughlin Coffee Paper Doll, from a series of eight Men and Women. Also found at last weekend's postcard show.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
David's Convention Tidbits #2
Above: A page from Hollywood Style Paper Dolls by David Wolfe.
Below: David's Convention Tidbits #2
Hat’s Off for the Red-White-and-Blue!
Among the presentations and workshops planned for the 2011 Paper Doll Convention to be held August 17-21st, there will be an opportunity to create a patriotic chapeau. Renowned artist, Judy M Johnson, will conduct a workshop wherein participants will be encouraged to design and execute a hat in red-white-and-blue. Judy’s talent, creativity and enthusiasm will make this millinery experience into a fabulous fun time. Wannabe mad hatters will be given a “basic” hat and then the fun will begin. Trims of all sorts will be made available and Judy will encourage creativity to run wild. Attendance for this particular workshop will be limited to 20 and there will be a fee of $10.00. Details and sign-up sheets will be available in the convention info-packets that will be sent to registrants next spring. The finished chapeaux are meant to be worn at the evening banquet when conventioneers will be requested to wear red-white-and-blue outfits as a patriotic salute to Philadelphia, the site of the convention.
Getting to know your favorite artists!
Who are the personalities behind the names of the artists who create today’s paper dolls? How did they start? What are they working on next? Do they prefer to use paints or colored pencils? Do they work on paper dolls every day? How long does it take to create a paper doll book? Is it difficult to get published? Do they collect paper dolls themselves? There are lots of questions to ask artists like Tom Tierney, Marilyn Henry and others. Conventioneers will get their chance to hear from artists themselves at a Round Table Panel session. Joining Tom and Marilyn for a discussion and Q&A opportunity moderated by David Wolfe will be Norma-Lu Meehan, Sandy Vanderpool, Brenda Sneathen Mattox, Judy M Johnson, Kwei-Lin Lum, Jim Howard, Bruce Patrick Jones and Charlotte Whatley.
“My Favorite Paper Doll” Competition!
The 2011 Paper Doll Convention will continue the tradition of a competition but with a new slant. Rather than specific categories, all entrees will compete for an overall popular vote. What to enter? Simple. Your own favorite paper doll. It can be antique or brand new. It can be a valuable treasure or a sentimental favorite. It can be in mint condition or cut-out and a bit shabby from being played with by loving hands. It can be a hand-made original or a mass-produced favorite. There will be no committee of judges because everyone will be a judge by filling out a form that lists their own top choice. The results will be tallied and there will be Ten Top winners and one lucky paper doll that will be honored as “The Convention’s Favorite Paper Doll,” the recipient of a very special award.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Mary Queen of Scots, c. 1890s
The McLaughlin Coffee series of eight paper dolls, The Queens, came with one costume and one piece of furniture. These were meant to be folded to sit or stand. Luckily, this one had not been folded much at all when I found it at the postcard show last weekend. Two years ago, when I first started this blog, I posted Marie Antoinette from the same series. I only had the doll for that one, but the reverse showed she came with a sideboard, of all things. But I guess it makes sense given the legendary appetites of Marie Antoinette. The figures are beautifully rendered in this series
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Four Famous Dandies at Bergdorf Goodman
If you're in New York City this weekend, you'll want to check this out!
Patrick McDonald and Jim Howard, joined by David Wolfe and Jenny Taliadoros for a book signing of Four Famous Dandies Paper Dolls.
Saturday, Nov. 20, 2-4 p.m. at Bergdorf Goodman, 5th Ave. at 58th Street.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Golden Opportunities Paper Doll and Toy Quarterly #61
Every issue of Nan Moorehead's magazine features vintage and hard to find paper dolls and toys. The current issue has an original vintage greeting card attached to the cover--the one I received is a Norcross with a charming illustration that captures the wonder and delight of Christmas. The red pajamas are felt.
This issue features mostly paper doll greeting cards, and is profusely illustrated--a great guide for the collector. Nan has an auction and a sales list in each issue. Click on the second image for subscription info.
Monday, November 15, 2010
David's Convention Tidbits #1

Above: A page from David Wolfe's Polka Dot Paper Dolls.
Below, David's "2011 Convention Tidbits #1":
Artists collaborate to create souvenirs.
The souvenirs created for conventions are always something special, spotlighting the artistry of several favorite artists working today. The limited number of souvenirs usually limits the number of artists asked to contribute their talents. For the upcoming 2011 Convention, more artists than ever will be included. Each souvenir will include the work of two, three or even four, top artists, all working on the same theme. For example, the theme of one souvenir book will be “The Philadelphia Story.” It will include paper dolls of the stars of both film versions. That means Katherine Hepburn and Cary Grant plus Grace Kelly and either Bing Crosby or Frank Sinatra (the artist still has yet to decide.) The artists will be a spectacular quartet of superstars: Marilyn Henry, Norma-Lu Meehan, Jim Howard and Bruce Patrick Jones. Other artists already at work on more collaborative souvenirs include: Tom Tierney, Brenda Sneathen Mattox, Sandy Vanderpool, Donald Hendricks, Charlotte Whatley, Gregg Nystrom, Ralph Hodgdon, Larry Bassin, David Wolfe…and others!
Lorna Currie Thomopolous presents Grace Kelly’s life story.
At a previous convention, British collector Lorna Currie Thomopoulos scored a hit with a presentation about Princess Diana as an icon and also as a popular paper doll subject. Lorna’s wisdom and wit (plus that posh accent!) was delightful. For the upcoming 2011 Philadelphia Convention, Lorna will illustrate the life story of another princess, Philadelphia’s own Grace Kelly who retired from movies to reign as Her Serene Highness, Princess Grace of Monaco. Of course, such a glamorous movie star and regal persona was a paper doll, too. Lorna’s powerpoint presentation and dishy commentary will be the highpoint of one of the dinners during the convention.
Color and Cut-Out Bee promises fun for all!
Remember when you were a kid and spent happy hours with your friends coloring and cutting-out paper dolls? You’ll be able to turn back the clock at the upcoming 2011 Convention when you join in the group fun of the Color and Cut-Out Bee. All attendees will receive a packet of many, many specially created black-and-white paper dolls by scores of artists including Tom Tierney, Marilyn Henry, Brenda Sneathen Mattox, Donald Hendricks, Gregg Nystrom, Sandy Vanderpool, David Wolfe, Norma-Lu Meehan, Bruce Patrick Jones, Charlotte Whatley and others. For several hours one morning, everybody will get together to color, to cut and of course, to chat as they table hop to check-out how all their friends are coloring (in the lines, ‘natch) and cutting carefully (No running with scissors, kids!) . Attendees will have to bring their own scissors (but not in hand-luggage on the plane, please) and crayons/markers/paints.
Convention Deadline!
You have just two weeks to register at the reduced rate for the International Paper Doll Convention in Philadelphia: $275 until Dec. 1, $295 thereafter.
"Let Freedom Ring" August 17-21, 2011. Mail check to David Wolfe, PO Box 2279 New Preston, CT 06777.
I'll be posting more information later today. Click on the convention logo to the left of this column for more details.
"Let Freedom Ring" August 17-21, 2011. Mail check to David Wolfe, PO Box 2279 New Preston, CT 06777.
I'll be posting more information later today. Click on the convention logo to the left of this column for more details.
Dulcia paper doll, c. 1940s
My second purchase from Paula Hill on Saturday: A trade card advertising Dulcia undergarments, I believe. French and Dutch descriptions on back. The doll in her hand looks like the controversial Mr. Golliwog, beloved by some, reviled by others. I'm guessing late 1940s, perhaps 1950s.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Marionnettes trade card, 1944
This is a French postcard-sized trade card, advertising aspirin. One of my finds Saturday at the International Post Card Show at the New Yorker Hotel in Manhattan, 34th and 8th Ave. The show runs through today, and is well worth a visit if you're in the neighborhood. It was my first time at the show, although I had heard about the club and the show for years. I was impressed with the number of dealers, and the variety of cards and prices. I'll be back next year. "Marionnettes" was one of two cards I bought from Paula Hill, one of my favorite paper and ephemera dealers.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Der Spiegel paper doll covers
Thanks to Bruce Patrick Jones for alerting me to this week's issue of the German magazine Der Spiegel, which features alternating covers of a male and female cut-out.
I copied this image from the Der Spiegel website, which has ordering information, too. It's issue No. 45, and dated Nov. 8, 2010. (Transcribed European style as 8/11/10, month in the middle.)
I copied this image from the Der Spiegel website, which has ordering information, too. It's issue No. 45, and dated Nov. 8, 2010. (Transcribed European style as 8/11/10, month in the middle.)
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Veterans Day
"Worth While Fighting For, To Make The World Safe For You."
Another excellent Archie Gunn postcard, unused and undated, WWI vintage.
Another excellent Archie Gunn postcard, unused and undated, WWI vintage.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
The Last Goodbyes, c 1918
"When the Last Goodbyes Are Whispered," unused and undated, but clearly the First World War era. Illustrated Postal Card & Novelty Co., New York.
Art work by Archie Gunn, 1863-1930. Here is biographical information from AskART:
Archie Gunn was a well-known and popular illustrator, whose pictures were in leading periodicals. He was born in England and his father was a member of the British Royal Academy. He first studied under his father in London. For a time he designed costumes for Gilbert & Sullivan productions. He also achieved success as a portrait painter; one of his portraits of Disraeli hung on the walls of Queen Victoria's apartments.
After coming to America he worked as a magazine and newspaper illustrator. He also did several calendar paintings for the Gerlach Barklow Calendar Company.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
A soldier's farewell, c. 1907
G. W. Watkins (stationed in Norfolk, Va., I assume) sent this to Mrs. Sarah J. Watkins, wishing a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all in a slightly garbled writing with numerous misspellings. No sentiment here that would indicate husband to wife; maybe son to mother?
The message on the front is full of feeling, and perhaps that sufficed: "That is right, my brave darling, wave me a farewell, for the fate of a soldier is hard to fore tell."
The message on the front is full of feeling, and perhaps that sufficed: "That is right, my brave darling, wave me a farewell, for the fate of a soldier is hard to fore tell."
Monday, November 8, 2010
Decoration Day postcard, 1907
Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day, inspired by the women of the South who began decorating the graves of their dead even before the end of the Civil War, which began 150 years ago this month. This Raphael Tuck postcard was sent to Miss Ella Kensinger in Leacock, Pa., not far from historic Civil War battlefields. It is not hard to imagine that Miss Kensinger lost a loved one in that war.
Be sure to check out "Disunion," a special online presentation of the New York Times that follows the Civil War as it unfolded through contemporary newspaper accounts, diaries, images and historic assessments.
Be sure to check out "Disunion," a special online presentation of the New York Times that follows the Civil War as it unfolded through contemporary newspaper accounts, diaries, images and historic assessments.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Paperdoll Circle Magazine, Issue #85
Lorna's wonderfully chatty magazine features a splendid Robert Pattinson mask and paper doll by Bruce Patrick Jones. Click on the last image for subscription information.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Autumn bridge tally
I suddenly remembered today that I bought this tally at a party or antique store earlier this year. Must have been all the leaves I'm tracking in the house. This tally has a strange combination of colors, but intriguing nonetheless. Walter Peck scored a 675, and I have no clue if that is good or not.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Black cat, 1907
Now that Halloween is over, the black cat can assume its natural benign pose: just another kitty enjoying a saucer of milk. Master John McGowan of Charles Street in New York City received this from his cousin Mildred 103 years ago. The card was printed in Germany by S. Langsdorf & Co.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Paperdoll Review #48
Another stellar issue by Jenny and Marilyn. Satch LaValley's elegant Jane Withers on the cover, and a beautiful Dovima paper doll on the back by Gregg Nystrom. www.paperdollreview.com
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