Above: A page from David Wolfe's Polka Dot Paper Dolls.
Below, David's "2011 Convention Tidbits #1":
Artists collaborate to create souvenirs.
The souvenirs created for conventions are always something special, spotlighting the artistry of several favorite artists working today. The limited number of souvenirs usually limits the number of artists asked to contribute their talents. For the upcoming 2011 Convention, more artists than ever will be included. Each souvenir will include the work of two, three or even four, top artists, all working on the same theme. For example, the theme of one souvenir book will be “The Philadelphia Story.” It will include paper dolls of the stars of both film versions. That means Katherine Hepburn and Cary Grant plus Grace Kelly and either Bing Crosby or Frank Sinatra (the artist still has yet to decide.) The artists will be a spectacular quartet of superstars: Marilyn Henry, Norma-Lu Meehan, Jim Howard and Bruce Patrick Jones. Other artists already at work on more collaborative souvenirs include: Tom Tierney, Brenda Sneathen Mattox, Sandy Vanderpool, Donald Hendricks, Charlotte Whatley, Gregg Nystrom, Ralph Hodgdon, Larry Bassin, David Wolfe…and others!
Lorna Currie Thomopolous presents Grace Kelly’s life story.
At a previous convention, British collector Lorna Currie Thomopoulos scored a hit with a presentation about Princess Diana as an icon and also as a popular paper doll subject. Lorna’s wisdom and wit (plus that posh accent!) was delightful. For the upcoming 2011 Philadelphia Convention, Lorna will illustrate the life story of another princess, Philadelphia’s own Grace Kelly who retired from movies to reign as Her Serene Highness, Princess Grace of Monaco. Of course, such a glamorous movie star and regal persona was a paper doll, too. Lorna’s powerpoint presentation and dishy commentary will be the highpoint of one of the dinners during the convention.
Color and Cut-Out Bee promises fun for all!
Remember when you were a kid and spent happy hours with your friends coloring and cutting-out paper dolls? You’ll be able to turn back the clock at the upcoming 2011 Convention when you join in the group fun of the Color and Cut-Out Bee. All attendees will receive a packet of many, many specially created black-and-white paper dolls by scores of artists including Tom Tierney, Marilyn Henry, Brenda Sneathen Mattox, Donald Hendricks, Gregg Nystrom, Sandy Vanderpool, David Wolfe, Norma-Lu Meehan, Bruce Patrick Jones, Charlotte Whatley and others. For several hours one morning, everybody will get together to color, to cut and of course, to chat as they table hop to check-out how all their friends are coloring (in the lines, ‘natch) and cutting carefully (No running with scissors, kids!) . Attendees will have to bring their own scissors (but not in hand-luggage on the plane, please) and crayons/markers/paints.
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