Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

This Lucy Leary paper doll is now in the collection of Peggy Ell, but I scanned it in before donating it to the convention Raffles table. It also came with the original large size pen-and-ink drawing. Peggy is an outstanding collector of newspaper paper dolls, including Lucy Leary, and I'm pleased she won this (I won it earlier in the year at Jayne Keller's party).

Newspapers were large-sized in the old days (when circulation and advertising were booming), and these strips can be quite difficult to scan and stitch together.


  1. I love your site! I am looking for paper dolls from the Chicago Tribune in the '20's by Penny Ross. I have the sheet Judy Johnson sells. I can send you scans of the remnants I have -- my stepmother lost or sold the collection & I found a box with a few "scraps" only when I settled her affairs. I am looking for them as scans or cut outs or sheets in any condition! I am not a collector-- I want copies because they were my favorite toys!Cordially,Colleen Gilbert

  2. I would love to see them and show them on this site!

  3. you can email your scans to me at linda(at)geb(dot)net
