Monday, October 28, 2013

The Magic Circus by Violet Moore Higgins, 1917

This author and artist is new to me. But a simple search online revealed that Higgins (1886-1967) has a fabulous oeuvre, in addition to this lovely book of cut-outs which graced the Competition room at the convention.

Higgins was a prolific author and illustrator. Here are some images of her work found in a Google search:

She took over the illustration of a comic strip called Drowsy Dick. Thanks to Allan Holtz of the blog "The Stripper's Guide" for posting this full length comic strip with some background on Higgins.

And Ms. Higgins did covers for The Saturday Evening Post. One hundred years ago, her illustration of "The Young Suffragette" appeared on the cover.


  1. These are wonderful. Another artist to collect.

  2. A long time a go, but do you remember who owned 'The Magic Bus' - I have a copy and have not been able to find any others - even the Library of Congress do not seem to have a copy ?
