Thursday, January 31, 2019

Diana Lax

Diana Lax passed away on Jan. 17, a little over two years after Garth's death. What a dynamic couple they were. Two of the friendliest people you could ever hope to meet. So glad I had a chance to meet them, and learn about the rarest antique paper dolls in their collection. They usually won a trove of ribbons at Convention competitions! This picture is from the 2009 convention in Las Vegas.

I'll miss their smiling faces -- their joy in sharing their paper doll treasures and greeting friends, old and new, at every convention. 

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed Diana so much and she was such a great supporter of all the artists. They had a fabulous collection! Garth helped her get around and was also a great help at conventions. They are missed very much and we have lots of memories of our times together.
